A straight wall has its extremes, width and height are untouchable and create a spatial closure that offers light, tranquillity and concentration. An circular material is adaptable, a glass wall is less flexible. Measuring a straight wall is a simple yet important undertaking that requires attention and thought.
A course that takes you through the ins and outs of performing a survey for a straight wall. A course that breaks down into 5 categories offered in the 3-step process.
What you'll get
- Introduction | 1 drawing
- 9 educational drawings | all drawings
- Explanation in Dutch or English
- Checklist Measurement | Environment
- Drawing worktables
How to Measure | Point laser | 2 drawings
- 2D Measurement (width | height)
How to Measure | Folding meter | 2 drawings
- Dimension boxes (width | height)
- 3D Measurement | Views (width | height)
Supporting Tools
- Checklist
- Worktables
Option with guarantee
- Introduction | 1 drawing
- Explanation in Dutch or English
- Warranty certificate
- Drawing worktable
- Mentioned price is incl. tax 21% (Belgium)
Een scheiding van een ruimte, een afscheiding die een oplossing biedt. Een creatieve oplossing die een doorgang omlijnt maar de duidelijkheid niet wegneemt.
A separation of a space, a partition that provides a solution. A creative solution that lines a passageway but does not eliminate clarity
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